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OneArts Performing Arts School

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0330 122 1445


Suite 4025
182-184 High Street North
E6 2JA
United Kingdom

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Our office hours Mon-Fri (9am – 6pm)

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Our Early Stages classes are for four years plus. However, if your child will be turning four during term time you may be able to enrol them for the start of that term.
We currently offer a two week trial at the beginning of each term. You simply pay a small deposit (£25 for Early Stages and £50 for Main Stages) which will be taken out of the term’s fees should you decide to stay for the rest of the term. Occasionally a OneArts school will hold a free Open Day, wherein you learn all about what OneArts has to offer and may be able to try out the classes.
The cost per term for Early Stages is £174 and for Main Stages it is £348. Broken down, this works out at approximately £9 an hour. When you first join all we ask is that initially you pay a deposit (£25 for Early Stages and £50 for Main Stages). This deposit is then taken out of the rest of the term’s fees if you decide to stay for the rest of the term. The remainder of the fees can then be paid in one or two instalments.
There are three terms a year and each is 12 weeks long. There is no break from OneArts over half term although each school runs differently so please speak to your Principal regarding this matter.
The days and times of our OneArts classes vary from school to school. Our classes are never during school hours, with most schools running over the weekends in the morning and afternoon.
Early Stages runs for 90 minutes each week, with 30 minutes dedicated to each discipline, and Main Stages runs for three hours each week, with one hour dedicated to each discipline. There is a break between the second and third classes.
Jazz shoes/gym slippers are a compulsory piece of uniform at OneArts. Ask your OneArts Principal about where to obtain these. Black jogging bottoms/dance leggings are also compulsory along with branded OneArts t-shirts which are available for purchase at the school from your OneArts Principal.
If you find that you are unable to attend your usual OneArts class one week you must tell your OneArts Principal, giving as much notice as possible. We encourage students to attend every week as the schools’ are usually working towards an end of term demonstration or production.
You must give half a term’s written notice to the Principal of the OneArts school your child attends should you decide to leave OneArts.

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